Iron Man Anime by Ellis

Posted: July 27, 2009 in Marvel, Movies
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It's OK Iron Man Don't Cry

During the Marvel Animation panel at San Diego this weekend it was announced that comic scribe Warren Ellis would be scripting an Iron Man anime movie. I am not really a fan of anime based on American properties (i.e. Batman, Animatrix, Witchblade) but I will give this one the benefit of the doubt since Ellis is on board. The teaser trailer they showed at the panel was said to be just for presentation and does not reflect anything in his script.

There was also a trailer for a Wolverine anime screened, which is also being written by Ellis, that I am not including in this post because I think it was quite awful. Probably has a lot to do with the fact I don’t particularly care for Wolverine but who knows.


  1. Chris - CSTATB says:

    The Wolverine one looked awful, the whole art direction was terrible. Iron Man is something they should be able to do perfectly though!

  2. Saar says:

    Saar is really excited for that XD

  3. just when you thought wolverine’s hair couldn’t get weirder…

  4. pilkk90 says:

    if theres one thing japan does better than anyone its robots, look at gundam wing, so iron shouldnt be a problem. Wolverine does look weird but id give it a chance. on a sie note what was wrong with wutchblade? i thought it was pretty good, and no i didnt like it just because of the boobs

  5. Variant Girl says:

    I think this trailor looks pretty decent, I like Iron Man so I hope it will be good.

  6. Locusmortis says:

    Make it Iron Man vs Gundam and you’ve got me on board

  7. XCaD2 says:

    wow that’s something! i’ll be waiting for that anime although it feels kinda weird (at least to me) to see iron man like an anime…

    on another topic, just a question i hope you can help me, i’m really new into comics, and don’t know much, a friend is selling me some issues of batman legacy and jamie delano’s World without end. my question is, are these good comics i should read or it’s better to pass from the offer?

    • Save your money for better books. If you really wanted to read Batman: Legacy you could hunt down the tradepaperback. Unless he’s selling them at a dollar a piece I would pass. Just my opinion though.


  8. Yeah, the final result ended up looking nothing like that trailer.

    It was an interesting first season. Decent quality animation but some nonsensical enemies.

    Here is our take with a lot of pics and a little humor if your are interested:

    Iron Man (anime) [2011] Season 1. 12 episodes

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