Archive for the ‘Geek Culture’ Category

Now get out there CCWNation and spread the word, E&J are back!

What else ya gonna do? Be productive?

-Deemar 🙂

I know everybody has noticed the serious lack of new posts around here lately. There are some very good reasons why.

Please allow me to explain:

Here’s the 1st PIECE of BIG NEWS:

This will be my last regular post here on the CCW Blog. I have enjoyed my time here immensely and have learned quite a lot from Elliott as to how this whole blogging thing works. I have also made a LOT of new friends here. The fact the you guys continue to comment here even in my absence means a lot to me and I greatly appreciate it.

One of the reasons this will be my last regular post here: I have been wanting to EXPAND THE SCOPE of the topics I write about. I also have a driving urge to create something COMPLETELY NEW from the ground up.

Here’s the 2nd PIECE of BIG NEWS:

As of tonight, you can find me over at my NEW BLOG. It’s a cool place that I will be co-running with someone you will all know. Every single one of my regular posts (Mellow Monday, Who’s Getting What, Capsule Reviews, Just Because, etc., etc.) will be up on the new blog– along with some BRAND NEW ones.

Please come on over to Inveterate Media Junkies at

Here’s the 3rd PIECE of BIG NEWS:

Besides starting this New Blog, I will also be recording a NEW WEEKLY PODCAST to complement it! Yes, you read that correctly. A WEEKLY PODCAST. This is something that I know a lot of you have been asking for and it is here, for better or worse!

Here’s the 4th PIECE of BIG NEWS:

On top of the WEEKLY PODCAST, we will also be holding a LIVE, INTERACTIVE BLOGCAST at least once a month!

We will be having all kinds of Contests, Giveaways and Special Guests on both the Inveterate Media Junkies Blog and the PODCAST.

The first contest will be announced on the blog in the next couple of days. Here’s a hint: If you are a fan of American Vampire and/or Scott Snyder you will be very interested in our upcoming prizes.

Here’s the 5th PIECE of BIG NEWS:

We all know what the big question is…”What about the videos?” CCW*TV videos are NOT going anywhere! Elliott and I will continue to record videos when time allows and schedules permit. In fact, we taped an HOURS WORTH of new stuff today.

Of course all of this comes with Elliott’s blessing. The CCW Nation will never know how much his friendship means to me. Elliott is a class act through and through. I truly believe things will only get better from here!

Think about it! The regular columns and posts you like. Lots of NEW STUFF. A HUGE INCREASE in the amount of commentary available and even more chances to interact with me, your other friends on the Blogs and some all new people too!

IT’S THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT TO THE 10TH POWER. So come on over, the water’s fine. After all, I am just one bookmark away, right?

For those wondering what will become of the CCW blog: Elliott is working on a few things and as soon as he/we work out all the details there will be another cool announcement.

I really hope that the regular CCW viewers here will give MY NEW BLOG a chance. I am very excited for the promise the future brings and I hope you will be too.

All are welcome there. I really hope to see you all in the comment boards:

We will be calling it IMJ for short. Get it? After all, I am (still) Jose.

All the Best,


Just Because

Posted: October 14, 2010 in Geek Culture, Music

Being a big fan of both the Supernatural television show and anime in general I was somewhat excited to hear the news a few months ago that a Supernatural anime was being produced. Well, I should say I was somewhat excited and baffled. Why Supernatural? And of all things why make it into an anime? Never once had it occurred to me to marry the horror genre television show with the artistic medium of anime. I am sure it never occurred to many of the show’s fans as well. I would like to know the person responsible for saying. “You know what would make an awesome anime? The TV show Supernatural. And no I am not fucking around. I mean, ya, I realize that I said the same thing about Gilmore Girls a while back but this time I am serious,” because I would seriously love to buy that person a beer or three.

Seeing Dean and Sam Winchester’s anime alter-ego’s in the trailer above at first was a bit of a laugh but as the trailer progressed the more it seemed to work for me. By making the live action show into an animated one it lifts the budget restraint concerns of live action and seems to allow the creator’s imaginations to not be caged. Add in the already strong narrative of the existing show to that and it looks like the anime could only be seen a positive improvement.

From what I have read about Supernatural: The Animation it’s 22 episodes will consist of retold stories from the original show as well as creating all new ones. It is rumored that the actors who portray the Winchester brothers, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, will lend their voices to a few episodes of the anime when it is brought over stateside.

I am looking forward to Supernatural a hell of a lot more than the Iron Man anime. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that seeing Jeph Loeb and Dan Buckley’s names in the opening credits made me throw up a little in my mouth. And just in case you are wondering, that is a common reaction for me. If you have no idea what I am talking about, or have yet to see it, I will post the vid down below.


Vodpod videos no longer available.

Gantz Pic found on AnimeNation

The 2010 Tokyo Game Show has been up and running for a few days now. It is much like the annual E3 convention held in California every year with the exception that TGS tends to focus more on Japan based video game developers. Because of that fact, the news and trailers to come out of the Tokyo Game Show have always interested me far more as a gamer.

I am sure none of you will be surprised to hear that prefer games made in the East far more than I do the ones created in the West. The creativity, content and sensibilities of Japanese video games are just more to my liking. That’s not to say ALL games in these TGS posts will be solely Japanese. Devil May Cry 5, while being published by Capcom, is in fact developed by an English game company, Ninja Theory. But my thoughts and opinions on why I tend to love Japanese created games as opposed to American ones could fill in entire post, but that’s not what THIS post about.

THIS post is about highlighting the games being shown off at this year’s TGS. Games that I can not wait to get a hold of and play. Games that show that the Japanese game industry is NOT in fact one that is dying but one where creativity and fun still thrive. So, without further ado, on to the games.

Yakuza: To the End (aka Yakuza 5): To be released exclusively on the PS3

The Last Guardian: To be released exclusively on the PS3

Vanquish: To be released on PS3 and Xbox 360

Devil May Cry 5 (Tentative Title): To be released on PS3 and Xbox 360

TGS 2010 pic found on Tokyo Game Show 2010
Devil May Cry 5 pic found on Kotaku

New Olivia Wilde TRON: Legacy Banner/