Posted: March 4, 2011 in CCW Nation, CCW TV, Marvel, Uncategorized
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  1. Wesley says:

    Here in Australia the prices are killing me with marvel costs sky rocketing and its becoming harder and harder to keep up a big collection. I do however have to say that sometimes and I stress the ‘sometimes’ that it can be worth it and being a newbie to Marvel and DC comics it can be a stretch on the pocket. Thank you Elliot and Jose for your videos and blogs, its awesome to see people that are so passionate about something and it has created a greater love for comics in terms of Marvel and DC. SO THANK YOU CCW!!! 🙂

  2. cinemar10 says:

    Very insightful rant Jose. Certainly helps explain some things.

  3. Morlock50 says:

    At this point, I think Jeff Parker should jump to Image or Dark Horse and try to do some creator-owned work that will have a chance of lasting more than a dozen issues. Clearly his talents are underutilized at the house of ideas.

  4. Tigerkaya says:

    Can’t say I agree on the Dan Slott part. Yes the killing of the original Hobgoblin was just dreadful. But past that on it has been a great series going forward except vol. 3 of FF. I felt it was a bit pedestrian it wasn’t very clear in the plot everything was just all over the place. Right now i find the Spider Island shaping up to be interesting event regardless of complaints on art. To me the Joe Q junior of Marvel is Bendis.

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