Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

So, IronMuskrat just sent me this video and I feel the need to share it with all of you. It is definitely NSFW just so ya know.

The video works for me on many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many levels. I think I need another beer…or four.


Also, this may force me to end my “posting on the blog while drunk.” We’ll see how it goes.

For those of you not in the know, CCW regular commenter Insideman has started up a new blog which I highly recommended checking out for various reasons. Today he wrote a post on what a pain in the ass it is to find complete collections of some of the great manga out there and where you should look in order to make that task easier. He also has a list a recommendations for those you who want a little more manga in your life.

I bring attention to this post because some of you are very into manga and some of you want to know how/where to get started. So, what are you waiting for? Hit the link:

MANGA PUBLISHERS– Why Do You HATE Me? / Swear All You Like


I really do hate conventions. Ok, maybe “hate” is too strong of a word. Hmmm…how about “don’t really care for”? Ya, that sounds a bit better. I don’t really care for conventions. There was a time where I used to count down the days but not so much anymore. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact the ever since Wizard bought the Chicago Comic-Con it has been shit. For almost a decade now that convention has indeed been shit and has gotten worse and worse every year. Last year was the first time in over 20 years that I didn’t go to the Chicago Comic-Con as a fan or a retailer. Wizard has killed any excitement that I once had for comic conventions. After attending the C2E2 con last weekend I can now change “has killed any excitement” to “had killed any excitement”. Why? Because C2E2 has brought back those feelings of excitement I once had for comic conventions.

I have to stress that this was a COMIC convention. Not one of those multimedia affairs that Wizard cons have turned into. Ya, there were some movie people there (from Carrie Fisher to the cast of Kick Ass) but the amount of industry professionals that were at the show was astounding. I couldn’t walk 10 feet in Artist Alley without seeing an artist whose work I have not enjoyed. Artists like Tony Harris, Michael Golden, Adam Hughes, Eric Canete, Jimmy Cheung, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Terry and Rachel Dodson, Ron Garney, Jonathan Hickman, Mike Mignola, Art Baltazar, Geof Darrow, Jill Thompson, Gail Simone, Doug Mahnke, Patrick Gleason, Stephane Roux and too many more too name. Serouisly, I don’t remember the last time I saw these many great artists at a Chicago convention.

The convention hall itself was quite nice. The entire floor was covered in nice, plush carpet. There were also windows going all the was a round the top of the room letting in sunlight as well as showing off the great Chicago city skyline. This is is stark contrast to where Wizard holds it’s conventions here. The exhibit hall at Wizorld World has no natural light coming in what so ever and it feels and smells like your in somebody’s basement. One other noticeable difference the C2E2 exhibit hall had was the the aisles were nice and wide. I can not tell you how fucking nice it was not to be literally bumping into people every 2 seconds like at Wizard World.

There were not as many dealers there as previous conventions I’ve been too but I rarely buy anything at cons anymore so that didn’t bother me. I do wish there had been some more import (Japanese toys mainly) dealers there but that’s just me. As for the comic company booths I took some pictures which you can find down below. Most of you who get out to conventions will find the pics a little boring but I did want to give our readers who don’t get to cons often a sense of what they can expect to find there.

On a personal note I would like to thank all the people who came up to me to tell me they enjoy CCW TV. I truly wasn’t expecting to get recognized but it really was nice talking to you guys. The highlight of the convention for me was when I went over to the Image booth to meet Ryan Ottley and found out that he watches our little show and he had some nice things to say about it. If you guys ever get a chance to pick up Ottley’s sketchbook at a con I recommend you do so. It is quite amazing.

So, ya, overall I would have to say that C2E2 was a very, very pleasant experience and really can’t wait for to come back next year.


From DC’s The Source:

This past Saturday, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation took a moment to honor writer Greg Rucka and artists J.H. Williams III and Cully Hamner’s work on DETECTIVE COMICS’ Batwoman by naming the book the year’s “Outstanding Comic Book” at their 21st Media Awards, held in New York City.

A description of the awards, from the GLAAD site: “The GLAAD Media Awards elevate and promote fair, accurate and inclusive stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues, people and allies that have increased awareness, understanding and respect for the lives of LGBT people. The GLAAD Media Awards also fund GLAAD’s work to amplify stories of LGBT people and issues that build support for equality.”

I have a feeling that this will be the first of many awards this year for the Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III run on Detective Comics. Congratulations to everyone who was involved with the production of this title. Other titles up for the award included X-Factor, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Secret Six, and Madame Xanadu.


GLAAD honors DETECTIVE COMICS as Outstanding Comic Book/The Source

Today Elliott uploaded the third and final part to our discussion about Nick Simmons’ Incarnate. For those of you who don’t get over to our you tube channel as frequently as you would like I have decided to post them all here in a nice little package. Also, I thought I should post them all here while the news is still somewhat relevant.

Having my friend Avi join us on this topic worked out very well. I believe having an artist’s perspective on this story was important to add to the legitimacy of the conversation. Hopefully we can get him back on the show sooner rather than later.

In the next few days Elliott will be uploading the final two videos to our last series of segments which were interrupted in order to bring you these more timely ones.


Jose posted this on my Facebook page today:

“If you’re looking for someone to blame for the turd-like sales of Ash Saves Obama you only need to look in the mirror good sir. You’ll be lucky if Dynamite releases an ashcan of the collection let alone a trade paperback.”

Wonder what brought THAT on?  Was it because of the things I said during our reviews of ‘The Siege #2″ and “Ultimate X #1” this past weekend?

I guess you’ll have to tune in and see.