Archive for February 25, 2010

This week’s question:

“What comics do you think should be in the Top 10 monthly sales chart that currently are not?”

It’s become quite obvious that the Top 10 best selling comics month in and month out are not necessarily the best comics in the industry. Actually, most of them quite frankly are the worst that industry has to offer. Now, this is all a matter of opinion of course but that’s what the “Question of the Week” is all about. Let your opinion be known down in the comments and maybe you can help get the word out on the books you enjoy that could use a little sales boost. Here are my choices in no particular order:

Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman and Dale Eaglesham
Power Girl by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner
X-Factor by Peter David
R.E.B.E.L.S. by Tony Bedard and Claude St. Aubin
Incredible Hercules by Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Rodney Buchemi
The Unwritten by Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Dingo by Michael Alan Nelson and Franceso Biagini
Invincible by Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
Chew by John Layman and Rob Guillory

These are only a few of titles that I think deserve wider recognition. If you want I’ll share more of them with you in the comments below.

Here is a list of last month’s Top 10 best selling books for reference:

1. Siege #1
2. Green Lantern #50
3. Batman & Robin #7
4. Captain America: Reborn #6
5. New Avengers #61
6. Amazing Spider-Man #617
7. Green Lantern Corps #44
8. Dark Avengers #13
9. Blackest Night: The Flash #2
10. Uncanny X-Men #520
