Archive for February 7, 2010

I have been very happy with the last few week’s worth of segments. I have to admit it is mostly due to me being able to seem rational, cool and collected on camera. This could also be one of the reasons why we have had so many new subscribers as of late. Well, that all changes this week. For those of you have have missed “Angry Jose” you will be very happy to hear that he rears his ugly little head in the first couple of segments we filmed today. It was a combination of The Siege, Ultimate X and Elliott pushing my buttons which proved to be just too much for me. I am sure I’ll catch some shit on the comment boards for some of the things I said. Not from our regulars mind you but from some of are detractors as of late. Sigh…so much for trying to seem fair and partial.


Hey folks, Elliott here with another drawing courtesy of CCW*TV’s resident toon artist Deemar:

"“In brightest day, in Blackest night,
Marvel’s shit is brought to light,
With Deemar’s pen, sparks will ignite,
That is a construct of a gun though, right??”"

Now, I know the pic is in B&W but we all agree that Jose is a RED LANTERN, right? As for me, I guess being turned into Kilowog is better than being compared to Hit-Girl, like a viewer did over on the channel last week.  But, um, Deemar…what’s that – thing – hovering over us? I know what it LOOKS LIKE to me, but even YOU wouldn’t…’rain’ on Tom Brevoort’s head would ya’? 😉