Posts Tagged ‘ChicagoNow Radio’

Hey folks, Elliott here. Once you’ve recovered from your Christmas comas, I hope you listen to my appearance on WGN Radio this Saturday, December 26th @ 9:30 AM. I will be returning as a guest of ChicagoNow Radio, this time as a solo blogger. If you’d like to ask me a question, you can send it via Twitter to @ChicagoNowRadio or you can do it the old-fashioned way and call (312)591-7200.

If you can’t get WGN-AM 720 on your radio, you can listen to the livestream, and later on download the podcast. This is another chance for us to interact live, so please give me a tweet or a call if you’d like.

See you on the flip side, folks!

Hey everyone, Elliott here. This morning I had to drag myself out of bed and drive all the way into the city so I could do a guest stint on ChicagoNow Radio, a show that runs every Saturday morning on WGN-AM 720. This is kind of a surreal moment for me since appearing on the same station that broadcasts the Chicago Cubs is more than I could imagine ever happening to me.

I was on the air with another blogger, Barbara Glass who writes InFashion, a blog about – uh – fashion. I was a bit concerned that the two topics (geek culture and fashion) would clash too much, but it seemed to come together pretty well.

You can listen to the podcast of the program here and here. Oh yeah, and I lead off with my Yoda impersonation!