A Quick Announcement

Posted: December 25, 2009 in CCW Nation, CCW TV, Elliott Serrano is a Douche, Interviews

Hey folks, Elliott here. Once you’ve recovered from your Christmas comas, I hope you listen to my appearance on WGN Radio this Saturday, December 26th @ 9:30 AM. I will be returning as a guest of ChicagoNow Radio, this time as a solo blogger. If you’d like to ask me a question, you can send it via Twitter to @ChicagoNowRadio or you can do it the old-fashioned way and call (312)591-7200.

If you can’t get WGN-AM 720 on your radio, you can listen to the livestream, and later on download the podcast. This is another chance for us to interact live, so please give me a tweet or a call if you’d like.

See you on the flip side, folks!

  1. Deemar says:

    I’m gonna call E on my way to work, I don’t get WGN-AM 720 in ATL so I might be unawares of what you guys are talking about on air.

  2. generaldark says:

    let the air ways be filled with nerdism!!!!!

  3. phil says:

    Hey E, caught your interview on WGN this morning. Cool stuff. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to call in. Did your experience flying solo as a guest help you with your nerves any better this go aronnd, or was the pressure even more intense? Eiter way you came off with a tremendous amount of poise. ………..also, it was good to put a voice with the name,Deemar!


  4. Thanks for listening, guys, and a big thanks to Deemar for calling in! When we were at a commercial break, the producers said ‘there’s a question about something called the Loeb Awards’ which meant I knew a CCW*TV viewer was calling. Very, very cool!

    I had no idea what the questions were going in, so I had to think fast. I told Bill Leff afterward that it feels like running a sprint when we do the show. It moves very quickly.

    It wasn’t until I was driving home that I realized that I never answered Deemar’s question! So my apologies Deemar. And no, Jose and I have not heard from Loeb’s camp about the Golden Loeb Awards, but thanks for providing me with the opportunity to plug the show!

    As always, you guys are the best!


    • Deemar says:


      I wasn’t expecting a answer just a chance for you to plug CCW some more, oh and to bash Jeph Loeb on live radio.

      Well done 😉

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