Archive for the ‘Interviews’ Category

Over on Elliott’s “real” blog, Geek to Me, he had the pleasure of interviewing “People VS George Lucas” Director/Writer Alexandre Philippe. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet just hit the link below to check it out. Also, it does seem that the clip from CCW*TV has indeed made the final cut. Exciting, huh?

Movie Director makes his case for Star Wars Fans in “The People vs George Lucas”/Geek to Me


Hey folks, Elliott here. Once you’ve recovered from your Christmas comas, I hope you listen to my appearance on WGN Radio this Saturday, December 26th @ 9:30 AM. I will be returning as a guest of ChicagoNow Radio, this time as a solo blogger. If you’d like to ask me a question, you can send it via Twitter to @ChicagoNowRadio or you can do it the old-fashioned way and call (312)591-7200.

If you can’t get WGN-AM 720 on your radio, you can listen to the livestream, and later on download the podcast. This is another chance for us to interact live, so please give me a tweet or a call if you’d like.

See you on the flip side, folks!

The New Chew Interview

Posted: November 13, 2009 in Interviews
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Eat It Up Yum

Good ole CBR has a brand new interview up with the creator’s of the comic sleeper hit/flash in the pan, Chew. Did you actually think the CCW would be able to score that interview? Ya, right. Like comic-legends-in-the-making John Layman and Rob Guillory would ever be caught dead slumming it down here being interviewed by either Elliott or I. Though we may be King Makers(tm) we are alas just still lowly peasants in the greater scheme of it all.

Here’s but a small portion of the interview:

What did you expect or hope that readers might enjoy about the premise (of Chew)?

Guillory: As an artist and as a fan of the book myself, I really hoped they’d appreciate the amount of originality we were putting into it, and that they wouldn’t just write us off as “weird.”

Layman: I didn’t expect readers would enjoy it at all. I expected it to flop, or make a tiny ripple in that vast ocean that is comic book. I wrote it for myself, figuring a select few weirdos would “get it” and it would have some small cult appeal. I never, ever, ever thought it would be received with the amount of enthusiasm that it has. I’m very grateful, but even today still surprised.

I guess the CCW were lucky enough to be among the “select few weirdos”, huh? Do yourselves a favor and go read the rest of the interview by hitting the link down below.


John Layman & Rob Guillory Chew on “Chew”/CBR

So…MTV Splash Page got the scoop from Iron Man 1 & 2 director Jon Favreau that he wouldn’t direct the eventual ‘ultimate superhero team-up’ from Marvel Films:

So the question remains: who’s gonna direct the flick? My vote? Peter Berg who has shown himself to be very adept at drama (The Kingdom) and great at doing action (The Rundown).

Who do YOU think should direct The Avengers?


Batwoman Black and White

Sigh. Almost 3 months into this blog and I have yet to link to Newsarama once. Well, I guess that ends today. There is a really good interview with J. H. Williams III over there and after reading this portion I felt the need to share it with you gals and guys:

Nrama: A lot of people have noticed that in your portrayal of Batwoman, you haven’t over-sexualized her the way that some might – and some fans might expect. Not that she isn’t sexy, but I don’t see you doing any cheesecakey-badgirl kind of things. Why’d you decide to do this?

Williams: It’s simple really, it’s because she is a person. Characters should be treated the same as if they were physical people. Otherwise you cheapen them and weaken them and then you can no longer believe in them and then they eventually disappear. All good characters need to have a relative form of believability to them, otherwise you will destroy them and the story you are trying to tell. This also applies when you are being your most fantastical with your characters, in terms of what they are, where they are, what they are doing. I’m not interested in characters that are stereotypes, particularly in the manner in which you are referring, because they are no longer characters. They just become pop images easily digestible for the masses.

Thank goodness there are still professionals like J. H. Williams III left in this industry. We are all better for it.


DRAWING DETECTIVE – A Talk with JH Willams III/Newsarma

20th Century Boys

The new issue of Variant Girl’s E-zine is now up. Lots of comic and movie reviews, some talk about woman’s roller derby and a manga review by moi. You may have caught my review for 20th Century Boys Vol. 1 on this blog a couple of weeks ago but if you missed it you can now read it there.

Go get a fresh perspective on the comics industry through the eyes on a fangirl.


Variant Girl


In advance of Ash Saves Obama #1 hitting comic shop shelves, I’ve been doing the usual comic-book press virtual junket.

First up: I talk to John Suintres on his podcast about ASO; the CCW*TV program; how Jose and I are the Siskel and Ebert of comics; why we criticize Bendis so much; and much, much more! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!

Next up: I join the crew of Around Comics for a discussion about comics, Iron Man and the Windy City Comic Convention in September. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!

Also, be sure to check out the NEW Geek To Me blog!