Just a few quick notes here:

CCW Chew Contest:

If you have not entered our contest for a chance to win a copy of the breakout sensation comic known simply as Chew today is the last day to do so. What the hell are you waiting for!? Check out the details two posts down from here. These comics are signed and personalized to the CCW Nation by John Layman himself. We did you a favor by having him sign these comics so you wouldn’t have to go through the displeasure of actually meeting him in person. You’re welcome.

Our Doomwar #1 Review:

This review of ours made the rounds on the CBR Black Panther boards and for the most part the reception was quite positive. Thanks to those individuals who posted those links. The best part? Johnathan Maberry himself left us a great comment on the video’s board. You can check out that video review here.

Variant Girl:

VG’s comic blog is up and running again. Please do yourselves a favor and check out her new reviews. Wondering what a fangirl’s thoughts are on Marvel’s new Girl Comics #1? Click here to find out.

Gail Simone to Leave Wonder Woman:

And now for the worst comic news I have heard all week: It looks like Simone will be stepping down as writer of Wonder Woman after issue #600. Not very happy about this. I was quite looking forward to her and Nicola Scott having a lengthy Wonder Woman run together but I guess that’s just not going to happen. If DC made this choice in order to make room for Grant Morrison on the book I really don’t know if that will sit well with me. We shall have to wait and see. You can read Gail Simone breaking the news here.

No New CCW*TV Next Week:

Unfortunately we won’t be able to tape any new segments tomorrow. Elliott has a prior engagement to attend so he is the person to blame (doesn’t feel nice to thrown under the bus does it E.?). Because of this I (like I mentioned a couple of days ago) will try to post some more reviews for this week’s books on here. I hope that me posting more reviews will make up for the fact that Elliott clearly just doesn’t care about you guys.


  1. Deemar says:

    The news on Gail Simone I kinda saw coming, Morrison and Geoff pretty much have carte blanche at DC

    Oh and throw E under the bus would only stop the bus in it’s tracks, heh

  2. Dan Griffin says:

    I Think for some reason that Paul Cornell might be the new Wonder Woman Writer. This i am alright with, i’m not alright if the new writer is Morrison.

    Paul is very good friends with Gail, and she seemed excited for the new Writer.

  3. david says:

    yeeew party goin on at the open thread house , werd up.

  4. SMARTASS8 says:

    I hope Gail wasn’t just ripped off of Wonder Woman. Not only do I like her writing, she really seems like a nice & classy person. Morrison has had some great writing highs(no pun intended), but, imo, his lows have been more numerous recently. If he is the new WW writer, I’d much prefer Gail back(even though that may sound like heresy with some comic book elitists).

    • Deemar says:

      Yeah I fear the worst with Grant on WW, just bring Rucka back

      I think he had the best take on Wonder Woman, give him a top notch artist like he has on Detective and I’m there.

      • Chris says:

        I don’t understand why you guys think Grant Morrison would be bad at writing Wonder Woman… I think it’s a bit lame if Gail’s been kicked off purely to make way for Morrison though. On the plus side I am most excited about Gail Simone writing Birds of Prey again. Gail Simone’s Birds of Prey was much better than her Wonder Woman run has been IMO.

        • Deemar says:

          It’s not that Grant isn’t capable of writing a great WW hell when he’s on the man is on. It more that when he’s off goddam is he off and from what I’ve read about Morrison’s thoughts on WW scare the shit outta me.

  5. Chris says:

    I’d like to say – for anyone interested – that I spoke (not really spoke I sent him a message on facebook) to Jonathan Hickman about Red Mass for Mars #4. He said that it’s finished and he intends to send it to Image next week. I’ve no idea how long a book spends at the publishers. It is nice that this series is finally coming to an end after Planetary beating gaps between issues!

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